Friday, March 16, 2012

Electrical Banana

Since we finally had a weekend at home (!!!) we tried to complete a few small projects and get some cleaning done. We picked a few easy jobs that have been on the list for what seems like forever.
  • Finish sanding and start painting the spindles on the staircase (Jon started sanding 8 months ago)
  • Convert the ugly messy looking cork board to a sleek and stylish chalk board
During a trip down the street to the local store to grab some paintbrushes and clamps, we browsed the planter section. We love Tom's, you really never know what you will find there. Lo and behold we found a cute little white planter, perfectly sized to fit on our windowsill (and we just bought a basil plant days before with no place to put him!). The planter was plain white but at $1.50, it was something we were willing to try out a little spray paint on.

So we added this to our weekend list of projects and went to the depot to get some spray paint. Picking out a color did take a little longer than expected. There are so many choices now! They have metallic, neon, regular, bold, chalkboard, oil rubbed bronze, textured... the list goes on and on. Way different then the last time I looked down the spray paint aisle. Anyway, we decided to go with bright yellow for the kitchen to add a little pop of color. I have to give all the spray painting credit to Jon. Although he's not the best at regular painting, he's GREAT at spray painting.

The end result was perfect; no drips and completely even. We still need to get some more herbs, but its a nice little pop on our windowsill and for so cheap, we couldn't have asked for more! Needless to say I've been singing Mellow Yellow by Donovan since we painted it (e-lec-trical ba-na-na...)

As for the other projects, they got started this weekend. We will be sure to post about them once they are completed.

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